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Counseling/psychotherapy services are aimed to support individuals struggling to cope with emotional/psychological problems.  Most often people seek counseling for the condition of being human; difficulties dealing with life stressors, loss, trauma, and relationships.  People often decide to come to therapy due to anxiety, depression, anger, grief, panic, and even just finding oneself in the same patterns of behavior over and over. Counseling can provide a space to process these difficulties, develop strategies for improved coping, and to gain clarity about one’s purpose, values, or direction in life.
Neuropsychological examination involves a battery of tests that measure a person’s language, visual spatial skills, processing, working memory, attention, reasoning, problem solving, logical analysis, multitasking, memory, academics, psychological/emotional, and social functioning.  Performance on these tests provides information on a person’s functioning and allows for making diagnoses, understanding an individual’s particular pattern of strengths and weaknesses, and to guide treatment.  

At Worrywell, we specialize in neurodevelopmental conditions, such as learning disabilities, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders. We also work with a broader range of cognitive problems, such as concussion, seizures, brain injury, etc. 
Through our sister company, Headquarters, we offer a  20 week Executive Function Skills Training (EFT) program designed for individuals with challenges with executive functioning, including planning, problem solving, attention, follow through, and time management. Meet one on with an EFT Coach to learn about executive functioning, improve skills, build new habits, and develop strategies to tackle life's challenges. Programs available for children and families, adolescents, college students, and adults.

Build skills to "Be your brain's boss":
  • Listening 
  • Organization 
  • Time Management
  • Impulse Control
  • Emotion Regulation 
  • Task Initiation
  • Planning and Preparation
  • Flexibility
  • Problem Solving 
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Motivation
  • Attention/Working Memory
Parent Support Group
Weekly group for parents of neurodivergent children, grades K-12.  We provide support for parents of children with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, learning differences, anxiety, or other challenges.This group offers a safe and welcoming space for parents to discuss concerns, feel heard and supported, and to learn techniques and strategies to support their child's unique needs.
Adult Autism Spectrum Group
This group is ideal for adults diagnosed with ASD, especially those who have been late diagnosed. Each group covers a different topic relevant to many autistic adults, such as relationships, managing household tasks or dealing with interpersonal conflict.  It is an opportunity to gain support, discuss challenges, and create community. 
Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world! Our children encounter numerous daily stressors that we may not always intuitively know how to help with, especially when parenting a child with a brain difference, such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, emotion regulation difficulties, or learning differences. This parenting support is a multi-faceted approach to regaining control and harmony within your home where both the parent and child are mutually content. One on one sessions with a therapist to review common behavioral issues and learn new approaches to addressing problematic behaviors, specifically designed for children who see the world differently. Parents will gain skills in helping their child to complete daily tasks, follow house rules, and respond appropriately and respectfully to requests while fostering a safe space for healthy communication and developing the child’s autonomy and independence. Since families work as a team these sessions also address the needs of the parent, such as developing realistic expectations, getting appropriate supports, learning to nurture oneself and manage one's own emotions regarding parenting struggles. Moreover, increasing positive, pro-social behaviors supports families in building stronger relationships and creating a more peaceful and satisfying home environment.

Neurofeedback is a drugless therapy approach that “teaches” the brain how to balance and regulate irregular brain waves associated with common brain-based disorders, resulting in reduced symptoms and long-lasting results.


Neurofeedback is performed in the office similarly to an EEG. This is done by placing two dime-size sensors on specific training sites as well as on each ear lobe. With computer technology, brainwaves are monitored while simultaneously giving feedback of the brain's performance. When a positive brainwave is produced, the patient will receive a reward such as a clip from a movie or segment of a song. If a negative brainwave is produced, no movie or song will play. This positive reinforcement and repetition teaches the brain to produce more desired brainwaves and increase its ability to function the way it was designed to work.


NFT is often used to treat most common brain-based disorders such as: 

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder 

  • Anxiety 

  • Depression

  • PTSD

  • Insomnia

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